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2019 Annual Review

It is that time of the year when we all audit what went well and what we should be looking forward to.

3 questions that I’m going to answer to review myself and compare to last year’s commitment.

What went well this year?
What didn’t go so well this year?
What am I working toward?

1. What went well this year?

Writing: I have written 88 articles this year. The target was to write at least 2 articles in a week. I am trying to make it a habit. I have missed just 16 days this year. It was an average writing year. But, the viewership of my blog has increased. You can also check out my book at I hope you all like it too.

Read Books: Had planned to read a minimum of 1 book a month. This was an average year reading. I had a fun time reading various books and have blogged about my thoughts about the book so that I can remember and refer it back whenever I needed it. I have read 12 books this year, averaging 221 pages per book. You can check out all of them by clicking here.

Travel: I would love to travel at least one country every year. This year I have traveled a lot mostly in India. This year I have been to Colombo (Srilanka), Iraq and Dubai. Colombo was a fun trip, first time did white water rafting. Iraq Karbala was a holy trip I will never forget. Also in India, I have visited Hyderabad for the first time, it was fun.

Creating new Opportunities: I have met new friends and that has helped me to create new opportunities too.

Sleep: Last year my average hr of sleep was around 7hrs per day. This year sleep is increased to 7 hrs 15 mins per day with an average of 2hr deep sleep.


2. What didn’t go so well this year?

Writing schedule: I have to be more consistent with my writing schedule. Also, have to write more quality and in detail stuff.

Sells things online: Was not able to give enough time or do enough promotion for selling stuff online. I need to focus more on it this year.

Expand my business: I have to start working on my business and have to give more time to it. Have to expand my business portfolio too. Looking for a new partnership and ventures this year.


3. What am I working toward?

Exercise: Last year I was not consistent with exercise. This year had to schedule proper timing to do the exercise again in routine. Trying to give 30 mins a day 3 times a week.

Give time to family and friends: I was not able to spend much time with family this year. Colombo was with family but was for a short period. Hopefully, it will be different this year.

Research: This year also want to continue by doing more research and learn new things. This will help me grow, not only professionally but also personally. I am not an expert and trying to learn many things out of many things myself. I have improved my life and my thoughts in 2019 and I am looking forward to new adventures and learning in 2020.

PS: My 2018 Annual Review

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