Moving away from Google App Engine
Google App Engine was good for small project, but the recent changes in the pricing policy have made many small app expensive to maintain. If you have more than 1000 users then you will run out of the free resources within few hours.
This is the primary reason we have moved out of Google App Engine and recode again in PHP. It’s now much faster and we feel much more in control both code + infrastructure point of view. Coding in Python with Google App Engine was fun .. but it’s not financially viable any more. was in development for more than a year, but we manage to port 80% of the features back in PHP within a week. We are really proud of our team to achieve this mammoth task in such a short period of time.
So we are back up no more server/quota issues. Enjoy and we are really thankful to all our customers for giving us support and love at such a critical time when our site was down most of the time for full one week. It is because of your love and support that encourage us to port it so fast.
Love you all. And as always your feedback / suggestion are always welcome.